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A Fresh Start, Anytime

Loredana Cunti

A Fresh Start, Anytime

Happy Lunar New Year! The start of a new year means different things to different people.

If you’re a gourmand like me, December’s indulgence makes a January 1st reset feel unrealistic. So, celebrating a fresh start four weeks later seems like the perfect time to embrace new opportunities. Lunar New Year, arriving in the heart of winter, reminds us that creativity and collaboration don’t need to be tied to an arbitrary date. Whether it’s January 1st or, like my company, March 1st, new beginnings happen when we choose to embrace them.

Redefining Deadlines

In my corporate days at PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, December 31st marked the year-end. That meant working late on Christmas Eve to finalize financials while my Italian family prepared for our holiday feast. It seemed unfair that new year pressure took away from the new year promise. Now, as a creative entrepreneur, one small perk is that I can set my own "new year." Running a business requires mastering financials and operations, but delegation is key. The gig economy presents both challenges and opportunities, allowing us to build the right teams and adapt to a rapidly evolving industry.

Embracing Collaboration

As a picture book writer, I always wished I could illustrate my ideas to help bring them to life before I pitched them. Enter Upwork, an online marketplace where I found a team of genius illustrators and collaborators that prove global collaboration can turn creative dreams into reality.

The industry is shifting. Instead of lamenting the changes, we have an opportunity to reinvent. With the right idea, energy, and of course, cash, we can get gigs and give gigs to bring our visions to life and maybe even to the plus side of the fiscal year-end.

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